Presenting Charts and Graphs, Facts and Figures
The unit focuses on presenting facts and figures and the interpretation of charts and graphs by providing the students with the necessary vocabulary.
The students should have experience in MS.Excel and MS.PowerPoint.
Moreover, students should have already been trained in how to make a good presentation. The learning package can be used for self-study, but it is much more effective to train vocabulary and techniques in class, either by using laptop computers or a presentation computer and a data projector.
In the second topic the application of the words and phrases can be trained, but it is also suitable for a discussion on global justice, of course.
2 units without presentation of the students' exercises;
4 units including the students' task to design and do their own presentations in class.
6 units when you add the global justice topic!
Lernplattform-Kurs online
Quelle: Lern'm:IT